RISE Ambassadors
Join RISE in Advancing the Kingdom of God
What is a RISE Ambassador?
RISE Ambassadors are approved members who help grow the RISE Global Community by creating and hosting hubs within the RISE App. A RISE hub is a group of any size that meets online or in-person in a public place.
RISE Ambassadors help make our community thrive and have maximum kingdom impact.
Here’s how it works:
get approval and a referral code from either a RISE Team Member, a current RISE Ambassador, or church/organization within the RISE Global Community (join a hub and get to know a current RISE Ambassador and let them know you are interested)
apply to become a RISE Ambassador through the provided link
once you’re approved you’ll receive an email with instructions to help your hub become successful
as a RISE Ambassador, you will have the ability to recommend/approve other RISE Ambassadors and create your hub(s) within the app
choose what kind of hub you’d like to host (for reformers in a specific geographic area, or those interested in a specific mountain/area of culture or focus within a mountain, etc)
decide where and when you’d like for your hub to meet (online or in-person, once a week or once a month, etc.)
it’s simple to create a hub and you may also choose an Admin to help you plan and communicate with the members who attend
even if you don’t know anyone to invite, once you create your hub, others within the app can discover it through the search filter
Requirements for RISE Ambassadors:
must have created a profile within the app and be an Active Member of RISE (have completed either RISE Handbook or RISE Course)
must have been approved and received a referral code from either a RISE Team Member, a current RISE Ambassador, or church/organization within the RISE Global Community
must apply to become a RISE Ambassador
For Churches/Organizations
If you’re a senior leader of a church or an organization, and you’d like to involve your members and networks in the community, consider applying through the provided link. Once approved, you or someone you choose from your team will be given Ambassador level access, and the ability to choose an Admin to assist you. We will provide you with a unique code for everyone within your group, no matter the size, so that your entire church or organization will be able to utilize the app, to not only access your hubs at NO COST to you or them, but also provide you with an uncensored way, to have immediate, constant contact with your church or organization. You’ll also be able to continue to grow your church or organization, by exposing the entire RISE Global Community to your hubs and events.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
— Matthew 5:16